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postnatal new mum physio maternity

Maternity Physiotherapy Check

Perfect for mums 0-30days post birth. If you have recently had a baby, this consultation is for you.
After completing a thorough pre-assessment questionnaire, receive a completely individualised assessment and plan as you would in a hospital from an experienced Women's Health Physiotherapist. Covers topics to maximise recovery, such as postpartum bladder and bowel care, DRAM assessment and management, perineal and pelvic floor muscle recovery and C-section recovery. Also includes invaluable advice on what do over the next few critical weeks and how to return to your favourite exercise and usual activities safely
Available in clinic or via video consultation (Telehealth) to enjoy in the comfort of your own home

postnatal check pelvic floor assessment birth recovery advice physio

Post Birth Physiotherapy Check

Perfect for mums who have just had their 6-8 week post natal check with their obstetrician, GP or midwife.
Going into further detail regarding your recovery, this extended physiotherapy session covers the assessment of pelvic floor function, abdominal muscle recovery, bladder and bowel health and any nagging aches and pains. A thorough pre appointment questionnaire guides completely individualised advice appropriate for both vaginal or caesarean section deliveries.
This is for those mums who are wanting more information or guidance with regards to continued pelvic floor recovery and rehabilitation, exercise progression, and generally how to feel like 'you' once again, without necessarily having any 'symptoms'.

postnatal physio pelvic floor dram dra tummy muscle separation postnatal exercise

Postnatal Physiotherapy

Focused physiotherapy assessment and treatment for aches and pains ongoing from pregnancy or related to birth and the postpartum period.  
Can include conditions such as lower back pain, DRAM (abdominal muscle separation), pelvic girdle pain, rib, neck, wrist and other general post partum aches and pains.
For conditions of the pelvic floor, please book an extended 45min 'Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Session'

painful periods dysmenorrhoea endo endometriosis dyspareunia vaginismus vulvodynia pelvic pain pelvic floor physio

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy (Initial 45min)

An extended physiotherapy session for the assessment and management of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Includes conditions such as
- bladder and bowel leakage or wind control issues
- pelvic organ prolapse
- perineal birth injuries such 3rd and 4th degree tears
- pelvic pain conditions
- general pelvic floor recovery post pregnancy and birth, and exercise progression
- pelvic floor rehabilitation for the athletic woman

mastitis physio

Lactation Physiotherapy

For conditions such as mastitis (inflammation of the breast tissue) and blocked ducts associated with breastfeeding and lactation.
Utilising gentle Therapeutic Ultrasound and guided self massage techniques, Beth has substantial training and clinical experience in physiotherapy management of breast conditions. She works alongside International Board certified Lactation Consultants and has invaluable personal experience in her own breastfeeding journey with her 2 children. Advice on feeding postures and stretches to assist in back, neck and shoulder pain, this is a holistic, individualised approach to breastfeeding - whatever stage you are and whatever that looks like to you.

Now available at all locations. Please contact Beth directly if unable to book within 24hours so that she can endeavour to see you as early as possible.

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